Peer review process

Assessment of the Works: every article the Secretary's office of the Journal receives for publication will undergo the initial judgement of the Editor in order to verify whether the topic of the article corresponds to the scientific disciplines the Journal publishes and also to give a first opinion on whether is an original research and regarding its quality.

The Journal's Editor in Chief is empowered to reject, without further explanations, any article which does not fit in the scientific area matter of publication of the journal, or if the content of the article is evidently and undoubtedly inferior.

If, in principle, the Journal´s Director considers that the work is acceptable, he will inform the Editing Council about this and the Council will carry out a new deep examination of the work. In case the Council accepts the work, they will send it to two experts, who may be members of the Consejo Científico Internacional or outside experts, according to the needs and availabilities, so that they analyse it.

With the aforementioned reports, the Editing Council will finally decide whether the proposed article is published or rejected. We will ask the author to include minor modifications whenever a report suggests so. Regarding the notification to the author, no more than a month should elapse between the reception of the work and the notification of the final decision.

Once the publication has been approved, the article will be included in the editing process, comprising the following stages:

a) Adjustment of the article form to the "Journal´s Redaction Norms" under the Editor´s surveillance.

b) The technical composition of the article in the publishing house.

c) Once each volume is published, the article will be available on the journal’s website and will be sent to the databases where are indexed.