Cicero´s theory of the state in oratio pro sestio


  • Tamás Nótári Károli Gáspár Protestant University


In Pro Sestio, Cicero establishes that social collaboration demands dignitas and otium, that is, harmony between the ideal and material values. From our point of view the consensus iuris principle corresponds to the idea of dignitas of Pro Sestio, which presents an idealised view of optimates as Roman citizens. Likewise, communio utilitatis is related to otium. Outside these ideas, the political forces act defying the citizens and their ordinary interests.

Author Biography

Tamás Nótári, Károli Gáspár Protestant University

Profesor asociado de Derecho romano e Historia del Derecho en la Facultad de Derecho de la Károli Gáspár Protestant University de Budapest, Faculty of Law, Károli Gáspár Protestant University, H-1042 Budapest, Viola utca 2-4, Hungría

How to Cite

Nótári, T. (2010). Cicero´s theory of the state in oratio pro sestio. Revista De Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos, (32). Retrieved from


