The age of corporatism. the juridical-political representation of labour in the europe of the twentieth century


  • Sergio Fernández Riquelme Universidad de Murcia


The present work approaches the historical approximation to the theoretical and institutional development of the juridical-political representation of the Work in the Europe of the 20th century. For it we establish four general phases in the configuration of the corporate formulae as modality of the "technical policy", from middle of the 19th century up to the whiteness of the 21st century. In each of them, we establish the key ideas and the significant authors, showing the doctrinal plurality in his historical genesis, the doctrinal coincidences between supposedly adverse ideologies as political-social instrument, and the survival of certain of his manifestations in the current Social State.


Author Biography

Sergio Fernández Riquelme, Universidad de Murcia

Licenciado en Historia y Doctor en Sociología
Departamento de Sociología y Política Social de la
Universidad de Murcia 
C/Olmeda, 36, 30560 Alguazas,
Murcia, España

How to Cite

Fernández Riquelme, S. (2009). The age of corporatism. the juridical-political representation of labour in the europe of the twentieth century. Revista De Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos, (31). Retrieved from


