A transit from the old regime to the liberal state of law in spain


  • Alejandro Martínez Dhier Universidad de Granada


This study evokes the rich personality of Manuel Seijas Lozano, lawyer, politician and academic, true author and promoter of the Spanish Criminal Code of 1848, holder of various public ministries, among them, that of Grace and Justice, with an important legislative production, prosecutor of the Supreme Tribunal, academic of the Royal Academies of History, of Jurisprudence and Legislation and that of Moral and Political Science, Professor of Philosophy of Law In the Ateneo Científico y Literario in Madrid, lessons for which he writes Teoría de las instituciones judiciarias (Theory of the judiciary Institutions), and supporter of Thibaut´s codifying idea.

Author Biography

Alejandro Martínez Dhier, Universidad de Granada

Profesor Contratado de Historia del Derecho y
de las Instituciones de la Facultad de

Derecho de la Universidad de Granada. 
Plaza de la Universidad s/n, 18071,

Granada, España


How to Cite

Martínez Dhier, A. (2008). A transit from the old regime to the liberal state of law in spain. Revista De Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos, (30). Retrieved from https://rehj.cl/index.php/rehj/article/view/499


