Historia de la venta alzada o en globo del derecho romano al código civil español


  • Francisco Javier Pastor Vita Universidad de Málaga


The objective of this article is to analyze the historic background for the so-called lump-sum sale in Spanish law. The current regulation of this sale is novel and original, a product of a historic evolution that has shaped it as one of the seller's particular responsibilities. This analysis goes from the Roman background until its crystallization in the Parts as well as its trajectory toward the Spanish Civil Code.

Author Biography

Francisco Javier Pastor Vita, Universidad de Málaga

Profesor de Derecho Civil de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga, Área de Derecho Civil,
Campus de Teatinos, Boulevard Louis Pasteur 24, 28071, Málaga, España

How to Cite

Pastor Vita, F. J. (2006). Historia de la venta alzada o en globo del derecho romano al código civil español. Revista De Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos, (28). Retrieved from https://rehj.cl/index.php/rehj/article/view/441


