Cuestión señorial y arbitrismo en la españa del trienio liberal: observaciones sobre un proyecto de ley de manuel maría cambronero (1765 - 1834)


  • Jose Antonio López Nevot Universidad de Granada


This article discusses the problem posed by the noble domain in the Spain of the Liberal Triennial through an interpretive bill of the abolitionist Law of the Cadiz Courts as of August 6th, 1811, published in 1821by an anonymous jurist, although apparently it was Manuel María Cambronero (1765-1834) who did. In said bill, although Cambronero proposes, on the one hand, the abolition of all personal services and assistance, whether their origin is found in the domain jurisdiction or in any other, even if it were the contract, it declares, on the other, that ancestral and territorial domains be protected, thus favoring the interests of the ancient lords.

Author Biography

Jose Antonio López Nevot, Universidad de Granada

Catedrático de Historia del Derecho
Facultad de Derecho
Área de Historia del Derecho

Universidad de Granada
Plaza de la Universidad, 1,
18001 Granada. España


How to Cite

López Nevot, J. A. (2005). Cuestión señorial y arbitrismo en la españa del trienio liberal: observaciones sobre un proyecto de ley de manuel maría cambronero (1765 - 1834). Revista De Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos, (27). Retrieved from


