El sacrificio de la esposa. san agustín, de sermone domini in monte 1, 16, 50


  • Rolf Knütel Universidad de Bonn


This article addresses the juridical implications of the case narrated by St. Augustine in his de sermone domini in monte 1, 16, 50, concerning fornicatio, in which a woman -married to a man from whom the Governor of Antioch, Septimius Acindynus, peremptorily demanded some fiscal debt under death threat-had, with her husband's consent, sexual intercourse with a rich man, who volunteered to give the money for the payment of the debt in exchange of said intercourse; however, he later deceived her by giving her land, which the woman denounced. This led the governor to sentence himself to pay the money because he had found himself guilty and stipulated that the woman should possess the farm from which the land, with which she had been deceived, had been taken.

Author Biography

Rolf Knütel, Universidad de Bonn

Profesor ordinario en la Rheinische
Friedrich-Wilhelm Universität Bonn Institut für

römisches Recht und Vergleichende Rechtsgeschichte
Adenaueralle 24 - 42. D-531113 Bonn



How to Cite

Knütel, R. (2005). El sacrificio de la esposa. san agustín, de sermone domini in monte 1, 16, 50. Revista De Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos, (27). Retrieved from https://rehj.cl/index.php/rehj/article/view/418


