Las notas de dalmacio vélez sársfield como expresiones del ius commune en la apoteosis de la codificación, o de cómo un código decimonónico pudo no ser la mejor manifestación de la cultura del código


  • Ezequiel Abasolo Universidad Católica Argentina


As a result of a joint investigation geared toward the process that led to the replacement of the old Indian juridical culture with the XIX-century codification, this article attempts to look at how certain elements typical of the ius commune, embodied at the core of the Argentinean civil code, could outlast. The article focuses on the notes accompanying the bill of the code presented by Dalmacio Vélez Sarsfield and looks at (a) the meaning of those notes; (b) an examination of their origins; (c) the assertion that they reflected, frequently, typical features of the ius commune; and (d) a reference to the presence of other elements of the ius commune in the Argentinean ju­ridical culture after bringing the civil code into effect. The conclusion includes both an assessment of the analysis and new working hypotheses.

Author Biography

Ezequiel Abasolo, Universidad Católica Argentina

Universidad Católica Argentina
Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho

How to Cite

Abasolo, E. (2004). Las notas de dalmacio vélez sársfield como expresiones del ius commune en la apoteosis de la codificación, o de cómo un código decimonónico pudo no ser la mejor manifestación de la cultura del código. Revista De Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos, (26). Retrieved from


