The reasons against the right of individuals to punish

chronicle (and refutation) of a foretold anarchism


  • Felipe Schwember Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Daniel Loewe Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez


Natural Rights Theory, Contractarianism, School of Salamanca, Nozick


This paper examines the relationships between natural rights theory and contractualism, based on the difficulties raised by Locke’s thesis of the natural right to punish. To do this, it begins with Nozick’s political philosophy, which offers a very clear example of the anti-contractualist consequences of said thesis; it then continues with the philosophy of some theologians from Salamanca, who anticipated some of the problems that arise from a natural right of privates to punish. It will be held that the arguments of such theologians serve not only to dismiss such a right, but also to defend the necessity of the social contract in general.

Author Biographies

Felipe Schwember, Universidad del Desarrollo

Dr. en Filosofía por la Universidad de Navarra. Licenciado en Derecho y en Filosofía por la Universidad Católica de Chile. Investigador de Faro, Núcleo Interdisciplinario de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad del Desarrollo

Daniel Loewe, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Dr. en Filosofía Universidad de Tübingen; licenciado en Filosofia Universidad Católica de Chile



How to Cite

Schwember, F., & Loewe, D. (2023). The reasons against the right of individuals to punish: chronicle (and refutation) of a foretold anarchism. Revista De Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos, (45). Retrieved from



Historia del Pensamiento Jurídico