Author Guidelines
We request the contributors to Revista de Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos to stick their work to the composition rules described herein. Otherwise, the contrary, the Edition Committee will instruct that the work accepted for publication be adjusted to said rules, which always implies the risk of making mistakes that the authors would have made if they had previously adapted to the rules.
1. The works will be delivered in Spanish, English, German, French, Italian or Portuguese, in a diskette (or via e-mail), typed at simple space, without spaces between paragraphs (that is, after full stop), with footnotes, all in Arial font, size 12 for the text and 10 for the notes. Each work presented for publication shall have attached a summary in Spanish of no more than 15 lines each and with a brief list of "keywords". The authors shall describe their academic status and indicate the institution they belong to, their postal address and their electronic mail address.
2. The trend will be to divide the articles in sections numbered with Roman numerals, with centred flourish and separated from the body of their speech. This could be subdivided again in paragraphs pointed out with Arabic numerals, followed by period [I.], if possible not flourished. When new subdivisions are applied inside the paragraphs, each will be pointed out with letters with final parenthesis [a), b), c) etc.]. The numbering method like: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, etc. will not be used whatsoever. It is recommended not to subdivide in excess.
3. The indication of the places quoted, whether authors, sources, will always be done in footnotes. About authors cited in the text by their surnames (always with normal letter) this will be repeated together with the name in the footnote.
4 The Journal presents an "Abbreviation Table". For the creation of new abbreviations not indicated there, please follow the same criteria of the cases taken into account. Especially, it will be borne in mind that the journals abbreviations [e.g.: ZSS.] or works [e.g., Rom. Privatr. or RPR. = Das römische Privatrecht] will always go in Italics1 except if it is sources [e.g. PS. (= Pauli Sententiae) or D. (= Digesta)] and that they will not be separated by periods between each letter [wrong: Z.S.S.; correct: ZSS.]. Each contributor shall present his own Abbreviation Table with asterisk call2 pointed out before note 1.
5 The quoting of manuals and monographs will be carried out according to the following outlines: i) D'ors, Álvaro, Derecho privado romano (8th Edition, Pamplona, 1991), p. 53 (or p. 53 s.; or pp. 53 ss.; or pp. 53-57)
ii) de Francisci, Pietro, Arcana imperii (Milano, 1947), I, p. 53 n. 1
iii) Piano-Mortari, Vincenzo, Ricerche sulla teoria dell'interpretazione del diritto nel secolo XVI, I: Le premesse (1956, reimp. Milano, 1986), p. 47 s.
iv) Verdross, Alfred, La filosofía del derecho del mundo occidental (1958, trans. Spa. Mexico, 1983), p. 117
As seen, the surname of the author will be written in small caps3 capital and lower-case (therefore, not in CAPITAL LETTERS). After that and separated with a comma [,] will go the name of the author (in the original language), which will be typed in normal letter and after which there will follow a comma [,]; then, the title of the work will be written in italics. The number of the edition quoted will be indicated in parenthesis if this is subsequent to the first one [see model i)]; the city and the year of edition will be separated with commas [,]; after closing the parenthesis, there will be a comma [,], and the volume quoted with Roman numerals [as in model ii)] 4; will follow a new comma [,] and the letters "p" or "pp". (= pages or pages) and the number of the only or first of the series quoted (as in model i)]. Simple "s" means "and the following page" [model iii)]. Two "s's" mean "and the following pages" [model i)]. If the work is quoted in re-printing or in translation, the abbreviated expression "re-print." or "trans. Span. (or in whatever language)" inside the parenthesis including place and date [models iii) and iv)]. If the work does not indicate year, this will be replaced with s.d. [= sine die]; and when the place of edition is not indicated, the replacement will be with s. I. [= sine loco].
6. The quoting of articles appeared in journals will be as follows: GradenWitz, Otto, Zum Theodosianus, in Studia et Documenta Historiae et luris 2 (1936) I, pp. 5. ss.;
GradenWitz, Otto, Zum Theodosianus, in SDHI. 2 (1936) I, pp. 5. ss. The surname of the author will go, then, in small caps and his given name in normal letter [gradenWitz, Otto,]; "comma" [,]; title of the article (in italics: Zum Theodosianus); "comma" [,]; with the expression in, followed, in italics of the complete title of the journal [Studia et Documenta Historiae et luris] or abbreviated [SDHI.]. It will follow the number of the journal in Arabic (without previous "coma"); its year in parenthesis [1936] and the number of the instalment [1] without previous comma; will follow a "comma" and the letters"p." "[= page] or "pp." [= pages], etc.
7. If a work quoted appears in collective works or from different authors (miscellaneous, homage works, etc.), the following is the outline:
Santoro, Raimondo, La causa delle convencióni atipiche, in Vacca, Letizia (a cura di), Causa e contratto nella prospettiva storico-comparatistica (Torino, s.d. [but 1997]), pp. 85 ss.
What is specific in this case is, then, that the collective work has to be individualised by the sUrname and the name of the editor (or editors), indicating this in parenthesis [vacca, Letizia (a cura di),], etc. The nomenclature in foreign language can be replaced by "editor" or "ed." [Vacca, Letizia (ed.),].
8. If the work quoted is included in a collection of writings of the same author, which normally implies that it had been previously published in another venue, the following outline will be applied:
Solazzi, Siro, Errore e rappresentanza (1911), now, in the same, Scritti di diritto romano (Napoli, 1955), I, pp. 288 ss.
That is, after the title of the work [Errore e rappresentanza], the year of the original edition will be indicated in parenthesis [(1911)] and, after comma [,] the title of the book or collection where the work is re-published will be introduced, with the expression "now, in the same". In the example, by the way, the same is Solazzi.
9. When it is about quoting works that have been quoted before, the following system will be used:
i) Bonfante, Pietro, cit. (n. 8), II, p. 365 n. 3
ii) Bonfante, Pietro, Corso, cit. (n. 8), II, p. 365 n. 3
In case i) it is supposed that the work only quotes one work of Bonfante.
Therefore, when it is quoted for the second time, it is enough to individualise it by the name of the author, indicating note [= n.] where it was first quoted in parenthesis [(n. 8)], preceded by the expression "cit." (= cited].
In turn, in case ii) it is supposed that the work quotes two or more different works from Bonfante. Therefore, when Corso di diritto romano is quoted for the second time, in order to avoid confusing the reader about which is the work being quoted, it is necessary to individualise by author and title (abbreviated), apart from the indication "cit." and the note where the complete quoting of that work was first made.
Therefore, the system of simply writing "op.cit." will be avoided, because it tends to mislead the reader in the search for the work quoted.
10. In the case of reviews, the bibliographic quotes will be done in the same body of the first, in parenthesis and not in footnotes.
11. In order to separate the divisions of the sources (books, title, paragraphs, etc.) the comma will be used [,] and not the period. e.g.: D. 13, I, 7 pr. The semicolon [;] will be used to separate the different quoted sources. e.g.: Gai. 1, 34; 1, 55; 1, 61; 2, 45; 2, 56; D. 13, 1, 7 pr.; 26, 2, 1 3; 37, 1, 3, 5.
12 Also, the italics will be used for the transcription of texts from sources. In general, the texts transcribed that are sources, when it is about phrases or paragraphs they will go between inverted commas, which will be omitted when it is about isolated words or brief expressions. If texts from contemporary authors are transcribed and that cannot be exactly considered sources, italics will not be used and the quoted text will go between inverted commas. The sources will be transcribed in italics together with the general text, that is, without changing paragraphs or indenting. e.g.
"The text that will be analysed is D. 19, 2, 46 (Ulp. 69 ed.): "Si quis conduxerit nummo uno, conductio nulla est. quia et hoc conationis instar inducit". As we can see, this text states that if somebody rented something nummo uno, the condutio nulla est. The reason given by Ulpiano is very clear: "hoc donationis instor inducit".
13: To highlight a word or phrase of the work or its quotations, the italics or bold letters shall not be used, but spaced letters5.
1 The type of italics is obtained from this command sequence, previously positioning the cursor on the word or selecting the group of words: "format/font/font style/italic/accept". But this command can be permanently installed in the bar, like this: "tools/customize/commands/format/ activation of the "I Italic" icon followed by the dragging of said icon to the bar.
2 Asterisk as note call is obtained like this: "insert/footnote/custom mark/typing the asterisk on the screen of "custom mark"/accept."
3 The small capitals are obtained like this, previous positioning the cursor on the word or selection of the group of words: "format/font/activation small caps in effects/accept". Command "ABC Small Caps" is possible to be dragged to the tools bar, which is in "tools/ customise/commands/formats in "categories".
4 If the volume has subtitle, it is preferable to indicate its number after the general heading, separated with comma and followed by colon [:] and next the subtitle in italics [model iii].
5 What is obtained, by previously inserting the cursor on the word or selection of the group of words is: "format/font/spacing/expanded."
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Todos los contenidos se distribuyen bajo licencia Creative Commons de “Atribuciónl 4.0 Internacional” (CC-BY). Cualquier reproducción total o parcial del material deberá citar su procedencia.
Privacy Statement
Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta Revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- I am one of the following: 1. I have a doctorate degree and provide information about my academic institution. 2. I am a doctoral student or doctoral candidate and provide a letter of sponsorship for my manuscript, signed by my tutor or the director of the doctoral program.
The submitted manuscript has a summary that complies with the guidelines indicated in n. 3 of "Directrices para autores".